Archive for August, 2011

Little by Little

I awoke this morning to an unfamiliar, but welcome, sound: thunder followed by rain!  I’m not sure how long the rain lasted, but by the time I reached the garden in Corinth, water stood in lovely puddles all over the parched ground.  And even though the thermometer once again soared into the triple digits by afternoon, the promise of cooler temperatures hung like perfume in the atmosphere.  In fact, the weather man assured me this evening that we would be enjoying temperatures in the nineties by the weekend.  That may not sound refreshing to many of you, but for us, it’s a cold front!

While waiting for cooler temperatures, the garden continues to grow and transform.  Little by little, each portion is prepared. The latest addition is a boat for the Tribe of Zebulun.  The sixth son of Jacob and Leah, Zebulun means “glorious dwelling place.”  When Jacob blessed this son, he said that “Zebulun will live by the sea shore and become a haven for ships.”  Known for his undivided heart, Zebulun worshiped God wholeheartedly and fulfilled the blessing of Jacob.  This tribe is connected to trade, commerce, and prosperity, which enabled Zebulun to support the tribe of Issachar in their study of Torah.  Next week, a special gate will be installed at the entrance to Zebulun’s portion of the garden.  I look forward to sharing that experience with you.

In the meantime, please enjoy the latest pictures from the garden.  I continue to be amazed at how the plants prosper in the midst of the heat and drought.  God is good.


Dog Days of Summer

When we hear the term “Dog Days of Summer,” most of us think of the hottest, driest part of the year.  Here in Texas, we have experienced that in abundance this year.  In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we have now exceeded fifty days of triple-digit weather with more to come.  Even so, last week we received a foretaste of God’s promise of rain in the form of the first measurable rainfall in the garden since June.  Our faith rain gauge collected a full half-inch last weekend, and all the plants responded with a hearty “amen” and a burst of new growth.  It’s amazing what a difference one good rain shower can make in the lives of plants and people.  As for the dog days of summer, that term actually refers to the reappearance of the Dog Star, Sirius, in the night sky.  Let me share with you what I read last week on  “So regardless of how hot your local weather is, or has been, this appearance of Sirius–a star we most associate with the winter season–now rising just ahead of the sun, is a subtle reminder that the hottest part of the year is now behind us and a promise that a change toward cooler weather is only weeks away.”

And to that I believe we can all say, “Amen!”

Shabbat Shalom from the Garden

I went to the garden early today.  In spite of the heat we are experiencing right now, the garden was a haven of peace and comfort.  As I walked, prayed, watered, and took lots of pictures, I was joined by an abundance of wildlife–not to mention the tangible presence of Jehovah.  Come along on a walk with me!

Praying for rain in Texas,
